UW IMAP 2004a for Fedora Core 2

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Sun Aug 8 18:48:39 UTC 2004

As I detailed previously:  
I found it easier to just stick with UW IMAP for now.
I'll consider Cyrus-IMAP when I have time, or Dovecot as people
start to swear by it (I do really like it's design/approach).
I'd love to play with Dovecot more, but I don't have the time.

- UW IMAP 2004a for Fedora Core 2

I've modified the SPEC file from Fedora Core 0.9 (fka "RHL" 9),
and rebuilt it for UW IMAP 2004a.  I've tested POP3 (110), IMAP4
(143), IMAP4-SSL (993) and POP3-SSL (995) functionality and it
seems to work.  For all intents and purposes, it seems to be a
"drop in replacement" for FC2, working as previous FC releases
(including the certs in /usr/share/ssl/certs).

It _is_ built against Kerberos v5 (GSS) and CRAM-MD5 is enabled, but I
did _not_ test these.  Use at your own risk/interest/whatever.

- Partially RFC3501-compliant version

You can grab the partially RFC3501-complaint version here:  

This is probably the version you want.  It will allow cleartext password
authentication over both TLS/SSL and non-TLS/SSL.  The RPM installs both
pop3s/imaps TLS/SSL and pop3/imap non-TLS/SSL versions in the
/etc/xinetd.d directory, but does _not_ enable either.  So if you only
want TLS/SSL, just enable the former two (either use ntsysv, a run-level
editor or edit the files and say disable = no) and not the latter two.

- _Fully_ RFC3501-compliant version (

For those that want the _fully_ RFC3501-compliant version:  

I had difficulty getting this to work with both Evolution and Mozilla.

I don't think UW IMAP 2004a's CRAM-MD5 support is the full "secure"
implementation that at least Mozilla (and Evolution?) expect.  I'm
_ignorant_ on how CRAM-MD5 works myself.

For more on CRAM-MD5 support in UW IMAP, see:  

-- Bryan J. Smith

P.S.  I think it goes without saying that you should _not_ run this
on an Internet server.  Please use Cyrus IMAP _instead_.

P.P.S.  I'm too lazy to meet up with people and get my GPG key signed (I
have no excuse because my local LUG does this all the time -- doh!), so
these packages are _not_ signed.  If you are anal on security, download
the SRPMS, drop the UW IMAP .tar.Z in from their site, and that'll
minimize your checking requirements to the SPEC and xinetd config files.

P.P.P.S.  Feel free to submit this to Fedora Alternatives/Extras in your
own name with your own GPG if you wish.  I need to get off my duff and
start doing this formally.  I'm just yet another lazy engineer -- so
lazy that if it would have taken me more than 2 minutes to figure out
the SPEC file and the minor changes needed, I wouldn't have made these.

Time to switch: http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/switch.html
Bryan J. Smith                                   b.j.smith at ieee.org

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