
ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Tue Aug 10 15:10:09 UTC 2004

On Aug 10, 2004 at 18:32, Vano Beridze in a soothing rage wrote:

>I've got fedora core 1 WindowMaker standalone as window manager.
>I configured xscreensaver to lock the display after 5 minutes.
>When the screen is locked the user is supposed not to be able to avoid 
>entering the password.
>But if I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 I'm able to kill xsession with Ctrl+c and 
>hence gain the control to the system with the current user
>How to deny this? I mean I want to block Ctrl+Alt+F1 (F2,...) from 
Ctrl+Alt+F1 (F2,...) will take you to the console where anyone
can log on including root. If root logs on, they can kill the
screensaver. I know X has the 'Dont Zap' option but I am not sure
whether it applies in this case. A user has to be able to kill
the processes they start, so I think the only way to do what you
want is to not start X by using startx. You will have to start X
using one of gdm, xdm or kdm. Make sure that your XF86Config file
has all the 'Dont Zap/Kill' options set and this should work.

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	a: Between thre and fiv tran.
	b: What two computers engage in before they interface.
	c: Ridiculous.
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