root cannot use rpm, yum...

François Patte Francois.Patte at
Mon Aug 16 12:00:13 UTC 2004


I have asked one question about yum and rpm, and still no answer; I would like
to add an information:

yum and rpm do not work for root only! If I try, as normal user,

rpm -Va

it works; if I try the same command as root: no answer and I have to kill the
process (Ctrl-C doesn't work)

If I use the command

yum update

as a normal user, it works untill I have to be root to perform the operation. If
do the same as root yum hangs and I have to kill the process...

Who cold give me some information?

thank you.

François Patte

Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient - Pune - Inde
Université René Descartes - Paris 5
UFR de mathématiques et informatique

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