Setting up network

Bill Tetens zuki269 at
Mon Aug 16 15:10:34 UTC 2004

I think I found the message but it is a hard copy of instructions you 
sent me on simplifying the yum.conf file
If that is the one I cannot find it anywhere in the e-mail trash or the 
list on the internet.  I had a problem with my netscape and and had to 
do a uninstall and reload.  Why it disappeared I have no idea.  I sent 
you a reply saying I did not have knowledge about using the edit file. 
 I do have a print out of that e-mail so you will not have to resend it 
if it is the one.

reader at wrote:

>Bill Tetens <zuki269 at> writes:
>>Far as I can tell I did not get the message.  Have not received anything 
>>from you since late last evening.
>There seems to be some really basic problems with communication here.
>I mentioned in my last post that I'd sent a message privately AND
>to this list.  The very message in question is on
>this groups list.
>You respond by telling me you didn't get it privately but say nothing
>about whether you can see it on the group.  Are you able to find my
>message on this group?  If so please say so.  I posted the message-id
>for you in previous post.

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