Squid authentication

Skylar Thompson skylar at cs.earlham.edu
Wed Aug 18 21:36:42 UTC 2004

On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 11:20:19AM -0300, Marcelo Magno wrote:
> I read that by ACLs in the squid configuration we can block some sites
> and block some user ips from accessing the cache, (and by that prevent
> some users not to access the internet).
> I have a problem that I need to configure how a PERSON can access the
> internet, not am IP because the same machine is shared by two or more
> users.
> Is there a way to have squid to give (or not) access based on groups on
> a windows domain like samba does with winbind?
> Can anyone point me some docs on how this is done?

Oops. Forgot the script. Here it is.

-- Skylar Thompson (skylar at cs.earlham.edu)
-- http://www.cs.earlham.edu/~skylar/
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#!/usr/bin/env python

from imaplib import IMAP4
import sys

#IMAP server against which we authenticate
#Port number for IMAP server. Usually 143

#Below here you shouldn't need to edit anything

while 1:

	#Read user and password from stdin, remove the newline, split at the space
	#and assign to the user and password variables

	[user,password]=line.split(' ')

	#Connect to the IMAP server


	#Try to authenticate. If it doesn't work, it throws an exception


		#If it threw an exception, log in cache.log the auth booboo
		sys.stderr.write("ERR authenticating %s\n"%user)
		#Then deny access
		#IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!! Flush stdout

	#If it didn't throw exceptions, that means it authenticated

	#Log success to cache.log
	sys.stderr.write("OK authenticated %s\n"%user)
	#Then allow access
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