Local Printing

Brian Truter fedora-list at kurse.damnyou.org
Sun Aug 22 19:19:37 UTC 2004

>>>>>> "BT" == Brian Truter <fedora-list at kurse.damnyou.org> writes:
> BT> I will give this a try, see if I can come up with anything. Thanks
> BT> for the ideas and info!
> Good luck.  It's funny how none of the other responses picked up on
> local terminal printing.  We still use it here because our student
> records system still runs on VMS, but in the old days that's just how
> it worked: you had a parallel printer hooked to your VT100 and the
> application sent codes to switch between screen output and printer
> output.  Does anyone still remember the old days?
>  - J<

I got it working, I basically wrote an lprint command using BASH, using
bits and pieces of script I found using Google.  Its crude, but it works.
I have tested it with PowerTerm, IntelliTerm, and Putty. I had to do a
little hacking in the terminfo and termcap for some term types, but its
working on xterm, linux, and vt220 terms with my script. Im sure others
work as well, just didnt try them.

I am not sure why no one picked up on the local terminal printing
(transparent printing, i believe is what it was called) thing. I guess
most peeps forgot how it worked and just rely on LPR or SSH.
Unfortunately, I cant use those in our environment in this situation.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions though. It was a good learning experience
, and Jason's hint led me in the write direction.

BTW, if anyone is interested in the script, just drop me a mail, or post
here. I can send it or post.

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