Ethernet without my router

James Wilkinson james at
Mon Aug 23 12:33:07 UTC 2004

Shefali Joshi wrote:
> I installed FC2 and at first, my ethernet wouldnt activate. I wondered
> if it would work if I plugged in my router, and Voila! It worked. 
> My ISP is SBC DSL and I require a username and password to connect to
> the internet. I suspect that FC2 would'nt activate my ethernet without
> the router because I hadnt supplied it my ISP username and password?
> do I do that? :) 

Can you explain a bit more about your setup?

How many network cards do you have? The normal situation is that you
either have one network card that connects to the router, which then
connects to the ISP (in which case, the username and password is the
router's problem), or you have one card for your LAN and one for your
ISP (in which case, 

But it sounds as though you've got your router to deal out IP
addresses using DHCP, and Fedora configured to ask a DHCP server for
an IP address. If that's the case, then no, you will need your
router or another DHCP server before you get an IP address in a useable

How do you know your Ethernet isn't working, anyway? Are there any
lights on the back? Is it plugging into a switch or hub?

What does /sbin/ifconfig return? /sbin/route ?

E-mail address: james | Important note: when washing your brain out with  | nitric acid, it is important to stop *after* you've
                      | erased the distressing images and *before* you get
                      | the urge to install AOL. -- "Jim"

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