Fedora Core 2 instalation

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Fri Aug 27 14:51:47 UTC 2004

Rafiq_Maniar at Dell.com wrote:
> The easiest way may be for you to install WindowsXP on a FAT32 type filesystem, as FC2 (and practically every other Linux distributions) has no problems reading and writing to this FS type.

If what you're trying to do is just to provide a means to share your data 
between XP and Linux, and not to provide a means to read/write the whole of 
your XP partition, the simplest solution would be to set up a separate FAT32 
partition big enough to store all of your data. You would be able to read and 
write this partition quite happily from both XP and Linux, and wouldn't need 
to reinstall XP.

Cheers, Paul.

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