Thunderbird exports and Fedora Upgrading

Les Mikesell les at
Sat Aug 28 23:48:15 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-08-28 at 14:50, TroyGeek wrote:

> I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my email. I don't see any export options 
> to save my emails. I'm wondering how I can backup/export my email from 
> Thunderbird so that I can be prepared for when FC3 comes out and I 
> upgrade. I want to be able to keep all my email.
> Any ideas? Just copy a directory or something?

If you only have one machine this won't work, but a handy
way to move email from any program to any other is to
set up an imap account on a server, create a folder there
and drag the messages into it.  Then any other imap
client can access them from the server or copy them
back to local folders.

  Les Mikesell
   les at

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