Flash card read/write

Clint Harshaw clint at penguinsolutions.org
Fri Dec 3 14:19:04 UTC 2004

Sheo S Prasad wrote:
> I will greatly appreciate help in the matter of how to make a USB flash 
> crad reader (n-in-one variety) work in Fedora-2, specifically when the 
> card reader/witer is connected throgh a USB hub.
> Thanking you in advance for your help.


Here's how I did it on my FC2 box -- now keep in mind that I'm 
connecting to one of the USB ports on the box itself, not an external hub.

1. as root, mkdir /mnt/flash

2. add this line to /etc/fstab:

/dev/sda1         /mnt/flash          vfat    noauto,user     0 0

3. rebooted (not sure if this reboot is necessary or not, though)

4. plug in compact flash card reader

5. open a terminal, and type this:
mount /mnt/flash

6. Then I can cd /mnt/flash and view the contents of my card! Don't 
forget to umount /mnt/flash prior to disconnecting the reader.

If you get some sort of error, try running modprobe usb-storage.

Hope this helps,

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