REPOST: Need help after system crash

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Sat Dec 4 16:52:43 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Fr, den 03.12.2004 schrieb Scott um 20:09:
>>>Reposting is a bit unfriendly, as urgent as your question may be.
>>In light of his situation, what would you have suggested as an alternative?
>>              Scott
>Hist first posting with same content but different subject line came in
>Fri, 3 Dec 2004 07:26:30 -0500
>The repost
>Fri, 3 Dec 2004 13:20:30 -0500
>At least he marked his new posting with "REPOST" prefix. Maybe just my
>taste, but I prefer to see topics not splitted. If his problem is that
>urgent, that waiting a few more hours isn't acceptable for him, he may
>have better replied to his original posting and state that his trouble
>needs some urgent hints to go on. (Always in the light that this is no
>first-level support helpdesk but a community of volunteers.) My
>impression when viewing the first posting - before the second arrived -
>was, that something very severe must have happened with the host in
>trouble, and that it would be better to take the time for a detailed
>reply than a quick shot. Well, if the rescue boot hint was already
>enough for the right direction ...
I see.   I guess I'm not that particular.

Honestly,  I've been in this situation myself any number of times.   
Sometimes posts just "slip by" peoples notice.   I've fought off the 
urge to repost myself on 2 or 3 occasions in my short time on this list.

In one instance I'm still "SOL" because no one has offered a solution to 
my particular problem.   I just chalked it up to the fact that in fact, 
no one has a solution.

That may (or may not) be an accurate hypothesis....

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