Same named packages, different dependencies

Dag Wieers dag at
Thu Dec 9 11:40:22 UTC 2004

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 A1tmblwd at wrote:

> Dag Wieer's package has the least dependencies. After my last 
> experience this would appear to be for the good. The code for 
> perl-XML-Parser comes from a common source,  So, why the 
> difference in dependencies?  Why are third-party packagers not using the 
> source rpm and spec file from Fedora Core so that this difference in 
> dependencies does not occur?

Because at the point that this was packaged, there was no alternative. My 
original package existed before any official one.

Your analysis correctly points out that if you're using my repository with 
the official packages, the official packages (at least for FC3) are 
prefered because they're newer. So my package is really void. I don't 
think anyone is using it.

> Any way, what I have learned from venturing beyond Fedora mirrors is 
> that the selection of third-party packagers/repositories does matter.

Good data, bad conclusion :)

--   dag wieers,  dag at,   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]

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