Updates for FC3..

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 10 00:04:48 UTC 2004

Ted Gervais said:
> Now, I wonder why that during an upgrade such as moving from fc2 to fc3,
> that the sources file you are speaking wasn't upgraded.  I know we may have
> specialty site that we go to in that file but as a new base maybe a new
> sources file would be provided when upgrading but the older 'sources' file
> kept aside.  Just wondering..

If you edit the file, RPM is smart enough not to clobber your changes. 
Instead the new file will be saved with an .rpmnew extension (much like
the yum.conf example Paul gave you earlier in this thread).  That way you
can compare the two and make any changes needed.

William Hooper

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