hostid gives identical values on all FC machines

Tammar K. Ajam tammarajam at
Wed Dec 15 13:45:40 UTC 2004

James Wilkinson wrote:

>Marvin Dickens wrote:
>>MAC addresses contained in the eeproms of network equipment are
>>absolutely unique and singular. There
>>is no possibility of the a MAC address having plurality unless the MAC
>>address in the eeprom contained in the network equipment has been
>>altered by someone with a hex editor and an eeprom burner. Sure, you can
>>alias the MAC address using software, but the MAC address in the eeprom
>>is *never* altered.
>This is a lovely theory and generally true.
>But this is the computer industry. There have been various "budget"
Yes it's truth.
 I test 20 MBs which had the same model no.
All the built in Network card have the same MAC address.
These MB was made by a company called kobian (Made in china).
When these Card connected to a DHCP server they optain the same IP 
address on all the PC

>Ethernet manufacturers that have used the same MAC for an entire
>production run, to save costs.
>If they go into the consumer market, there's no problem. In businesses,
>too, provided they buy their computers individually. But if you buy a
>multipack of really identical Ethernet cards...
>I understand that this is a real pain to track down if you haven't seen
>it before.

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