How do I set up konsole to use ISO-8859-1 and not UTF-8

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at
Thu Dec 16 02:31:03 UTC 2004

Am Do, den 16.12.2004 schrieb Kristian André Gallis um 2:47:

> I use pine mail reader to read my e-mail messages at the university I 
> attend, from my laptop in my home. I have Fedora 3.
> I don't care if the rest of my system use UTF-8 character coding, but my 
> university use ISO-8859-1 with the result that the Norwegian special 
> letters displays wrongly, with small error messages everywhere.
> Is there a solution? Can I make konsole use ISO-8859-1?

If you need ISO locale for pine, then you could create an alias in your
~/.bashrc file:

alias isopine='LANG=C pine'

Or instead of LANG=C use your national locale, mine would be de_DE at euro.

Is "konsole" the KDE terminal? Then it may have an option like the Gnome
terminal, where I can say from menu bar to change the terminal encoding.

> Earlier (when I had Fedora 2) I walked around the problem with just 
> ssh-ing over there and starting an xterm on the remote machine. But 
> after I installed Fedora 3 I get the following error message when trying 
> to run a remote xterm window:
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:

ps axuwwww | grep nolisten

This shows X running with "-nolisten tcp"? This is already the default
setting with FC2. You can change that in the gdm settings.

> Is it easier to fix this than konsole's character coding?

> Kristian André


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | new address - new key: 0xB366A773
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