battery monitor [Was: Compiling into Kernel]

Maciek R. m.mail at
Fri Dec 17 18:50:35 UTC 2004

Hi Jonathan,

On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 12:42 -0600, Jonathan Berry wrote:

> Are you by any chance running the x86_64 version?  It looks like you
> are running FC3 as well, since your gnome-applets version is 2.8.   I
> know that at least for FC2, the "Battery Charge Monitor" does not seem
> to exist for the x86_64 version, for whatever reason.  It is quite
> annoying, as I have had my laptop die a couple of times due to the
> battery loosing power.  I was hoping it would be in FC3, but if you
> are running x86_64, it looks like it may not be.  It seems I remember
> it being there in the i386 version that I installed on my desktop (a
> lot of good it does me there).  I've tried compiling it from source,
> but have not succeeded due to dependency problems.  Anyway, could this
> be your problem?  Does anyone know why the x86_64 FC gnome-applets
> does not contain the battery applet?

Yes, you are right I'm running the x86_64 version with FC3. I am angry
about the 64 bit version, because I am new to Linux and have no idea
about installing software on Linux - well, if there is software for 64
bit at all ;-) 

Maciek R. <m.mail at>

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