FC3 broke Kmail badly

Jeff Sutherland jeffs at fairwayacademy.org
Thu Dec 23 13:33:23 UTC 2004

I have confirmed this behaviour on an FC3 virgin install and on a FC2 system 
that was upgraded to FC3:

In Kmail, when replying to messages that are encrypted, the resultant message 
after sending is garbage.  It looks like the MIME separators get munged up 
somehow.  Kmail constantly whinges about needing GnuPG 1.9 (a develpment 
version) to do S/MIME (a clue, I know, but why can't it just settle for the 
stable version of OpenPGP that came with FC3?)  I'm using KDE desktop.  
OpenOffice also was fragged, had to remove openoffice-kde... rpm to get it to 
work.   I really need encryption to work properly as it has in the past with 
kmail, or is this just yet another reason to move to Thunderbird?


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