Shutdown -h does not complete (problem with iptables stop)

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Thu Dec 23 15:55:27 UTC 2004

>from man shutdown:
>"A lot of users forget to give the time argument and
>are  then  puzzled by  the  error  message shutdown
>produces. The time argument is mandatory; in 90
>percent of all cases this argument will be the word
>personally I use: shutdown now -h

<James said red-faced because he forgot to tell everyone>
Yes, I use the now parameter.  The problem is that I get to "Stopping IPTABLES" and the shutdown/restart hangs and I have to use the big red button to stop the process.  I decided today, since I use pppd for my connection, to manually stop IPTABLES using "/etc/init.d/iptables stop" and look at the process list.  There was a line in the listing for "modprobe -r ipt (I cannot remember the remainder of the module name)".  I decided to open a second bash session and look at the running modules and there was no module of this name in the list.  I killed off the modprobe process and the iptables stop process and then reran the iptables stop after manually rmmoding the iptables modules.  Shutting down the system completed sucessfully.  It looks like it is time for me to buzilla the problem with iptables after checking if this problem was already bugged.  I was hoping that someone else had run into this problem and had found a fix.  It looks like this 'crept' in after an update of i!

James McKenzie
A Proud User of Linux!

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