Fewer partitions are better (Re: Disk Layout/Partitioning Practices)

dballester at kernpharma.com dballester at kernpharma.com
Mon Feb 2 08:41:26 UTC 2004

You are requesting about Logical Volume Manager ( LVM )

Exist in Linux, runs very well  ( My laptop runs with LVM ) :D

"Windows 2000 can do something similar, can Linux do this?"

I prefer to say: "HP-UX, AIX, Tru64 can do something similar when I was a
child, can Linux do this?" ;)

David Ballester Montolio
Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
Kern Pharma, S.L.


|         |           Fritz Whittington  |
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  |     Asunto:   Re: Fewer partitions are better (Re: Disk Layout/Partitioning Practices)                                      |

On a related issue, is it possible to combine several drives/partitions
into one logical Linux file system?

In other words, if I have 3 hard drives, I might want to use one
partition on hda for /boot, another partition on hdb for /swap, and use
all remaining space on all other drives/partitions as the root fs.

Fritz Whittington
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

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