SSH Display Problem

Björn Persson bjorn_persson at
Tue Feb 3 09:00:21 UTC 2004

Mike Chepesky wrote:
> I looked around for a solution, and it seemed that it 
> might be in the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file. However, this is read-only and 
> cannot be modified, nor can the permissions be changed using chmod.

That's the system-wide configuration file, which only the administrator 
should edit. Put your own configuration in ".ssh/config" in your home 
directory. "man ssh_config" describes the file format. (You can even put 
your user name and the server's full name there, so you can type "ssh 
school" instead of "ssh -l login_name".

Note that this configures the SSH client. You won't be allowed to 
reconfigure the server.

Björn Persson

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