kde 3.2 unhappy: kde messed up my menues in gnome!

Austin Isler a_c_isler at verizon.net
Thu Feb 5 16:42:34 UTC 2004

Alwin wrote:

>>I had the same thing happen.  I thought it was upgrading to Fedora, but
>>maybe it was after trying KDE after upgrading to Fedore.  I too have tried
>>KDE a few times in the past, only to go back to GNOME.  KDE is a memory
>>hog and slow, and also gives strange errors.  Maybe there will be a fix
>>for all this soon.
>Please, can you stop your "my is the biggest/best/finest" discussion on this 
>list? this is stupid. Use whatever you want - but do not try to crusade.
Here here, I agree! Anyways everyone knows Nautillus is freakin weak 
compared to Konqueror. :) neener neener

(always and forever KDE) lol

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