Ode to the Shell (Was: Re: which file manager you use?)

Gerrit gerrit at nl.linux.org
Thu Feb 5 20:03:33 UTC 2004

Colin Charles wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 02:41, Mitch Wiedemann wrote:
> > Why do you use xterms?
> > How?
> > Any specific tips or tricks you'd like to share?
> Good 'ole ls, cp, mv.


20:55:04:2544:gerrit at topjaklont:~$ alias
alias cat='cat --show-nonprinting'
alias cc='gcc'
alias cdda2wav='cdda2wav -Icooked_ioctl -D/dev/cdrom'
alias df='df -h'
alias gcc='gcc -pipe -ansi -Wall -g -pedantic'
alias grep='grep --extended-regexp'
alias h='history'
alias humbolt='slogin humbolt.nl.linux.org'
alias l='ls --format=long'
alias less='less --long-prompt --raw-control-chars'
alias ll='LANG='\''nl_NL'\'' l --full-time --almost-all --reverse --sort=time --time-style='\''+%9A %d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'\'''
alias lpr='lpr -l'
alias ls='ls --classify --color=always --human-readable'
alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/mc-wrapper.sh'
alias optiplex='slogin node17454.a2000.nl'
alias pt='pstree -h -l -p -u'
alias sourceforge='slogin shell.sourceforge.net'
alias su='su --login'
alias tree='tree -F -C -A'
alias vi='vim'
alias ytalk='ytalk -x'

Best tool ever invented.
And how would you do THIS in your favourite file manager:
$ sb_mboxtrain.py -g ./ham -s ./spam && cat spam ham | formail -s procmail && rm ham spam && mv unsure aaa && formail -s procmail < aaa && rm aaa # train ham and spam and then reclassify all unsures
$ for f in *.gz; do setfont $f; echo $f; python -c 'for i in range(128, 256): print i, chr(i),'; sleep 2; done # try to see how 8-bit characters look in all fonts
$ cat .bash_history | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | grep topjaklont # find the most frequent used command with 'topjaklont' in it
$ zcat homepage.log.gz | cut -d' ' -f7 -s | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep '/~gerrit/asperger/asperger-[0-9]\.html' | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sed -e 's/\/\~gerrit\/asperger\/asperger-/H/g' | sed -e 's/\.html//g' | /usr/local/bin/piechart -T png > homepage/stats/hoofdstuk.png # My favourite... create a pie-chart of the hits of the chapters of an article I've written
...and so on and so forth

$ h | tail -1000 | sed -e 's/^ *[0-9]* *//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
     13 python
     18 su -
     23 ls
     25 gomail
     26 mutt -f python-list\@python.org
     29 mutt -f gerrit\@nl.linux.org
     30 l
     34 mutt -f unsure
     50 mutt -f fedora-list\@redhat.com
    210 ll

Heh heh :-)

Actually, the shell was one the main reasons for me to switch to Linux.


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