services [failed]

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at
Mon Feb 9 18:50:57 UTC 2004

Am Mo, den 09.02.2004 schrieb Marlon Bastida um 19:12: 
> Hi!
Welcome to Fedora.

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> Using  RH 8,9 and now a new install of FC1 ,  when I reboot or shutdown the
> machine on fedora, lines  like these happen with me:
> (see below translation  from portuguese - Desligando serviços de mouse /
> Desligando NFS Statd)
> -> stopping mouse services      [failed]
> -> stopping NFS statd             [failed]
> My mouse works fine , is a Genius PS/2 Netscroll +  and I don´t use NFS ,
> only start this service.
> Why I get  [failed] in this , finishing a linux system ? Is it normal?
> Marlon

The reason for these failure may come from a misconfiguration of the
init scripts: there is a kill link but no start link.

You could try following:

chkconfig --del gpm; chkconfig --add gpm; chkconfig --level 2345 gpm on
chkconfig --del nfslock; chkconfig -add nfslock; chkconfig --level 2345
chkconfig --level 2345 nfs off


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2149.nptl
Sirendipity 19:50:14 up 22:32, 7 users, 0.00, 0.06, 0.33 
                   [ Γνωθι σ'αυτον - gnothi seauton ]

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