Invisible https on Mozilla 1.4.1 [WAS - yum and network blues . . . a mighty help anyone ?]

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Fri Feb 13 00:44:00 UTC 2004

Thiers Botelho said:
> |Starting simple, do you have your proxy set in the "SSL Proxy" line in
> |addition to the HTTP line?
> And that's exactly what had came to me earlier - I'm 90% sure I don't have
> proxy settings for anything besides HTTP on Mozilla.
> Either you and I have some kind of telepathic connection, or you have
> become VERY seasoned on catching other people's         dumb mistakes and
> oversights . . .        :))

I've just wasted too much time over the years because "I just know that is
right"...  It's easier to check it first than check it last :-)

William Hooper

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