Linux 'n games

Lorenzo Prince lorenzo at
Thu Feb 19 22:55:35 UTC 2004

Thus spake Thomas:
# personal experience is, that it takes a lot more time to get a game work 
# with linux. There is just a small number of native linux games and an 
# even smaller number of good native linux games that can compare to 
# modern games that were written for platforms like MS. 

Here I see an ongoing problem that only seems to be getting worse.  I see many
people complaining that "Linux doesn't have games" but I don't see many people
writing new games for Linux.  Or people will complane that "the games on Linux
aren't as good as those on Windows/OtherOS."  But no one is taking the existing
games and making them better.  Isn't this the point of Open Source? If it isn't
there, create it.  If it doesn't do what you want, fix it so it does.  Or if you
can't do that, by all means submit bug reports and/or feature requests.

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