installing .run files

dballester at dballester at
Fri Feb 20 17:53:09 UTC 2004

TRUE. Totally agree!

We are linux/unix users and we always know that we must know where the file
comes from.

It's a NECESSARY advice to newbies.

David Ballester Montolio
Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
Kern Pharma, S.L.


|         |           Nils Philippsen    |
|         |           <nphilipp at|
|         |           m>                 |
|         |           Enviado por:       |
|         |           fedora-list-admin at r|
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|         |                              |
|         |           20/02/2004 18:44   |
|         |           Por favor, responda|
|         |           a fedora-list      |
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  |     Para:     fedora-list at                                                                                        |
  |     cc:                                                                                                                     |
  |     Asunto:   Re: installing .run files                                                                                     |

On Fri, 2004-02-20 at 18:37, Jon Lindberg wrote:

> Try running it frim a terminal (as root) ==> # /path/to/ ;-)

People! Be careful with your suggestions, you don't know where this file
is from, what it is, ... it could be anything from an installer to a
trojan horse. Randomly running stuff as root is not exactly what I would
suggest in this case.

     Nils Philippsen    /    Red Hat    /    nphilipp at
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
 safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."     -- B. Franklin, 1759
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