"default" sound drivers vs. ALSA?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Tue Feb 24 13:16:46 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 23:19, Alexandre Strube wrote:
> Em Ter, 2004-02-24 às 01:47, Marc Schwartz escreveu:
> > > ? Didn't even know that this existed :-)
> > Yeah. I am guessing that Evo uses ESD? to play it's notification sound
> Here, it worked simultaneously with gaim and xmms. Don't know how to
> help you.

Interesting. There must be something either in the modules.conf
configuration (I used alsaconf) or a difference in audio HW that causes
this. Perhaps there is some lingering issue in the alsa/oss/esd
emulation layers that is still problematic.

> > I had this same problem with xmms if I used the OSS output plugin
> > instead of the ESD plug-in. No sound from Evo with the OSS output in
> > xmms.
> Make xmms output to alsa, doesn't this help?

Sorry Alexandre, I was not clear. That was a problem before installing
alsa, when I used either OSS or ESD in xmms. I am now using the alsa
output plugin in xmms since installing alsa.

> > Perhaps this is different in the FC2 versions (ie. Evo 1.5.x), since FC2
> > uses ALSA by default.
> > Of course, I'd rather see the infamous Evo C&P bug fix distributed
> > first...that is still a PITA  ;-)
> Man, there are SEVERAL things everyone would like to be corrected before
> a sound bug in evolution, cut and paste being one of the first :-)

Yep. I participate in another set of lists for a stats/math application
called R. Any time someone sends some code in an e-mail looking for
assistance where I can be of help, I have to copy the code and then
reformat it in xemacs, since it comes over as one long line. I can live
without the sound, but I can't tell you how much time I have lost on the
C&P issue.

I am pretty sure that it has been fixed in Evo's CVS, so I am not sure
why a fix has not yet been incorporated into an update for FC, unless
there are some dependency issues that have not been resolved.



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