[OT] Re: For the Newbies

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Fri Feb 27 14:45:38 UTC 2004

On Feb 27, 2004 at 14:13, Bob Marcan in a soothing rage wrote:

>Isn't this apply to everything?
>When you buy some home appliance, do you read the manuals,
>or just plug in, start and wait if you see the smoke?
Oh you really do not want to go there. In most of the
English speaking 'western' world, manuals and instructions
are only read when something goes wrong. That is one of the
prime reasons why appliances come with two manuals: one with
pictures on a single sheet of paper that is easy to comprehend
and the other a detailed manual. Case in point, when I got
my dsl connexion, I tried to put everything together without
reading the cheatsheet manual. I ended up calling tech support
where I was told that if I had read the manual, I would have
been up in 60 seconds flat instead of the 45 minutes it took
me (including the call to tech support). My mistake was not
using the cables they sent me. See I needed a crossover cable
instead of standard CAT5. Suffice to say, my bad habits are 
still with me...

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