vmware 4.0 on Fedora?

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 3 17:08:13 UTC 2004

Thorsten Leemhuis said:
>>   Couldn't we get around this problem by re-compiling
>> the kernel with gcc33, and then we'd be done with it?
> Question: Do you think Red Hat included and uses gcc32 just for fun?
> Answer: No. They had a reason:
> http://www.linux.org.uk/~davej/docs/fedora-kernel-faq.txt
> Q. Why is the kernel compiled with gcc32 ?
> A. It's a known-to-be-good compiler. The compiler used for everything
>    else (3.3.2 as shipped with FC1) is somewhat newer.

Furthermore, when FC1 was released, the kernel *wouldn't compile* using
gcc 3.3.2.  This is because the 3.3 series is more strict on some syntax
and other issues.  Take a look at the archives (for the Fedora-test-list,
IIRC) and you will see a discussion about it.

William Hooper

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