upgrading with apt-get

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Sun Jan 4 19:05:47 UTC 2004

Am So, den 04.01.2004 schrieb Sturla Holm Hansen um 15:43:
> Hi all, my motherboard has a built in hpt374-raid controller, and I have
> two disks running raid0.
> I haven't been able to custom-compile a kernel to get this to work, so I
> have downloaded a custom-kernel (2.4.20-8) from highpoint-tech.com to be
> able to use the raid-controller. (This is not the point of this message,
> but if anyone could point out how you do it....)
> They don't have a kernel for Fedora yet or, more important,
> pre-install-scripts for Fedora, but I wanted to upgrade anyhow.
> I changed the sources-list for apt-get to point to a Fedora-tree and run
> apt-get upgrade.
> After removing some packages to get the upgrade to run and reinstalling
> them later I had all packages (except the kernel of course) upgraded to
> FC1-versions.
> So now, as far as I can see, I'm running FC1 with my old kernel.
> Works great actually, but here's my question:
> Is there a big downside to this that I haven't spotted yet?
> (Besides me running an older kernel that is)
> Sturla
> Ps. The download was 810MB...I don't wanna be on dialup anymore!!!

If you are running kernel 2.4.20-8, which seems to be the initial
release kernel by Redhat 9, you may face many problems which were fixed
by several bugfix kernel for Redhat 9. The most serious issue is a local
root exploit to be able on your system. Even if you have no other users
on your system, if anyone can get on your system by an exploit getting
unpriviledged user rights he can then easily become root.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany
PGP key valid: made 13.07.1999
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