Fedora IP Masquerading

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Mon Jan 5 05:34:16 UTC 2004

At 23:07 1/4/2004, you wrote:

>I am try to setup internet share with my Fedora box (ppp0, eth0) to my 
>wifes windows 98 box NIC.

So ppp0 is your external device and eth0 is your internal network card. By 
this time, I've forgotten what I knew about raw iptables rules, so I 
suggest some alternatives:

         1. Use Shorewall, then I can help you, or others on this list, or 
on the shorewall-users list.

         2. Use Firestarter (http://firestarter.sourceforge.net) and you 
figure it out. Doubtless others on this list can help, it's a popular package.

         3. Write yourself some iptables rules. The IP-Masquerading HOWTO 
should be all you need.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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