kernel-2.4.22-1.2135.nptl GPG signature?

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Mon Jan 5 20:00:18 UTC 2004

On or about 2004-01-05 12:33, Alexander Dalloz whipped out a trusty #2 
pencil and scribbled:

>Am Mo, den 05.01.2004 schrieb edwarner99 at um 13:58:
>[ snip ]
>>I did, but it took me two days to get the update. The
>>download took forever, and I'm using DSL.
>>>From what I read, if the download stalls, it creates
>>errors, so I think that is what I (and you) saw.
>>It wasn't because the file was tampered with.
>>Best advice, just keep at it, and try the download at
>>off times.
>Use at least one of the mirrors as update channel. If all of us use the
>Redhat server it is slow of course. There is a huge mirror list on the
> site.
In addition to using a mirror or two, there's also the problem (in *my* 
experience) that up2date doesn't know how to resume a broken 
connection.  (So if you get 23 MB of the 24 MB file and the connection 
is lost, you throw away the 23 MB and start all over again next time.)  
So if you must use up2date, grab all the files you need using something 
like WS-FTP Pro or *anything* that can resume transfers and put them in 
the up2date spool directory. Then when you start up2date, it will find 
everything already downloaded and merrily go ahead and install.

Even better, use something like apt with synaptic, which will download 
from multiple sources concurrently, resume broken connections, and in 
general just is easier to get along with.  Yum might work better as 
well, I just haven't tried it out.

Fritz Whittington
Let the fear of danger be a spur to prevent it; he that fears not, gives advantage to the danger. (Francis Quarles)

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