Wavebuddy wireless network card issues *again*

Lorenzo Prince lorenzo at prince.homelinux.org
Mon Jan 5 23:43:25 UTC 2004

The famous speaker who no one had heard of said:
> What does iwconfig say about encryption?  Specifically, does it have
> counts for "invalid crypt"?

It says "invalid crypt:0"

> Are you sure you're connecting to the right AP?  

As far as I know, yes.  Iwconfig shows an AP and gives me an ID that has the name of my school.  When I put the 
library's card in my computer it automatically connects and gets an IP from DHCP when I type

service network restart

or wen I boot the computer with the card plugged into it.  The other card shows everything that looks good and nothing 
that looks bad, but it gives me an error message instead of an IP address.

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