xcdroast does not like DVD+R drives

Peter Kiem zordah at zordah.net
Tue Jan 6 11:41:06 UTC 2004

> If you are going to burn DVDs, you are better off with k3b. 
> (http://www.k3b.org/)  It requires some extra libraries, which you will
> want anyway. (DVD+R tools.) It also gets you away from the closed source
> cdrecord.prodvd. The interface is like Nero in the Windows world (which
> is good and bad), but it works a great deal better.

OK, I managed to add rpms.xcyb.org and ayo.freshrpms.net to my up2date
config and get k3b installed.

Everything seems to work real sweet and k3b has a great interface.  I
guess since I will only be writing 2 DVDs a week instead 8 CDs I don't
*really* need to script it.

One major thing though.  Is there an upper limit on individual file
sizes on DVDs?

One the files I just burnt to DVD was 2.4GB in size and the whole
burning process seemed to be happy with that size but the resultant size
reading back the new DVD is only 5.2MB and naturally fails when I try to
use it :(

| Peter Kiem            .^.   | E-Mail    : <zordah at zordah.net> |
| Zordah IT             /V\   | Mobile    : +61 0414 724 766    |
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       My current spamtrap address is est1203 at zordah.net

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