yum local repository howto?

Scott Kindley ckindley at indy.rr.com
Tue Jan 6 16:48:13 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 09:45, dalen wrote:

> Does anyone know how to rsync from the public Redhat servers?

I use this (it's all on one line in my crontab):

00 12 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -av --partial --stats --exclude headers
--exclude debug mirror.dulug.duke.edu::archive/pub/fedora/linux/core

But I mirror the entire repository once a day you may not want to do
this unless you have a big pipe. The initial run took quite a while but
subsequent runs only take about 20 seconds or so if nothing changed on
the remote repo. I exclude the debug dir's and the header dir's cause I
regenerate the headers on my side via cron.

> If I have to rsync from a mirror, does a differing directory structure 
> matter and if so how?

Dunno what ya mean exactly. Doesn't seem to matter to me.

> Which files/directories are needed by yum base and updates-released 
> other than headers/rpms/srpms, or which can be skipped (*.iso)?

I didn't skip any, but that's my preference. But yes you can skip the
iso directories. Like I said before I skip the debug and header
directories too.

> If I switch to a local repository after some updates from the Redhat 
> servers, do I need to do any maintenance first such as delete 
> /var/cache/yum?

I don't think you'll have to. I didn't.

You also don't need to go to the length of mirroring the entire
repository. You could simply put the needed rpms in a dir and run
yum-arch and then point your yum.conf to the local repository.

In that case you would only need the rpms from the repository I used
from this dir (for x86):


and for the updates in a separate dir:


Hope this helps.


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