net send <name> <text> command?

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at
Tue Jan 6 23:21:31 UTC 2004

Am Di, den 06.01.2004 schrieb Don um 23:52:
> In Windows, I can use a "net send <machine-name> <text>" command to
> send a message to another machine on my network. The message is
> displayed in a pop-up message box on the recipient machine.
> Is there an equivalent command in Linux? (Fedora?) I don't see
> anything like that under the various options for the "net" command.
> :-(

I've made a little script called net_send, to keep the command syntax

echo $2 | smbclient -M $1

then you do

# net_sent MACHINE What about Pizza?

Just like you are used to from Windoze. Pretty simple, isn't it?


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