Solution for Up2date problems

ne... akabi at
Wed Jan 7 13:03:44 UTC 2004

On Jan 6, 2004 at 23:28, William Hooper in a soothing rage wrote:

>Fred Nastos said:
>> but why not
>> include something like, "Before posting a question to
>> the mailing list, why not search the archives first to see
>> if your problem has been answered.  To search the archives
>> go to"
>Isn't this common sense?  The reason it falls on deaf ears are because
>some people feel it isn't worth their time to learn and just want someone
>to give them the answer.  And no, that sentence wasn't directed at anyone
>in particular.  I've seen it in every mailing list and forum I've ever
Common sense isn't really common and most times the obvious
really must the spelt out explicitly. Adding what Fred Nastos
wrote would really go a long way towards helping ppl.

Registered Linux User # 125653 (
Switch to: could spend *all day* customizing the title bar.  Believe me.  I
speak from experience."
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