nvidia linux driver 5328

Keith G. Robertson-Turner redhat-forums at genesis-x.nildram.co.uk
Wed Jan 7 18:20:11 UTC 2004

On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 08:31:23 -0600, Adam Williams wrote:

> Hi, sorry your rpms don't work.  When I do rpmbuild --rebuild on them,
> they complain about not having kernel-source = 2.4.24 installed.  which is
> because I'm running a 2.4.24 that I boult from ftp.kernel.org's source,
> I'm not using a kernel rpm.

Ah, well that's only expected, by virtue of the way rpm dependencies
work. You need to be running a kernel installed by rpm, to build this

> When I do export CC=gcc32 and ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5328pkg0.run
> --kernel-include-path=/usr/src/linux-2.4.24/include --with-this-kernel and
>  it starts compiling.  then when I runt he custom file that it builds
> using --kernel-include-path=/usr/src/linux-2.4.24/include it errors out
> saying Unable to load the kernel module nvidia.o.

What does the following show you?: (copy'n'paste to a terminal).

ls -l /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidia.o

If you get a "No such file or directory", then there's your problem.

The running kernel must have an *exact* match for an installed modules
directory, I've got a feeling that maybe you're running 2.4.24.XXcustom.

When you say "then when I runt he custom file that it builds" do you mean
you try to manually {insmod,modprobe} nvidia?

Other than "Unable to load the kernel module nvidia.o" is there any other
error message, or is that it?

Have you tried simply using a standard kernel.rpm (2.4.22-1.2138.nptl for
example), and rebuilding/installing from the Livna NVidia rpm? If you can
do that, then the problem lies with part of the process you are following
for installing the Linux kernel, not the NVidia driver.

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