
M.Hockings veeshooter at
Thu Jan 8 18:54:15 UTC 2004

Simon Perreault wrote:

>On January 8, 2004 13:38, M.Hockings wrote:
>>I had Eclipse 3 running under FC1 without having to build it myself (why
>>would you want to).
>He's talking about *compiling* Eclipse with gcj so that you don't even need a 
>JVM to run it.
True, and to that inquiry I wondered why you would want to -- Eclipse is 
a mix of Java and native code (for performance where needed).  I would 
be concerned that compiling the remaining Java would be more work and 
cause more problems than it is worth.  Maybe of technical interest if 
you are an Eclipse developer but _I_ just want to use the facilities it 
provides to develop my own (Web) applications.

I was also responding to his inquiry about how it runs native ..


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