Update patches versus full update RPM

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 10 02:28:06 UTC 2004

Steven Usdansky said:
> As an end-user, I like the concept of update patches. I'm willing to keep
> a set
> of reference rpms handy, or pay the penalty and endure the download of
> such if I
> don't.

Problem being that downloading the reference RPMs and the patch would
probably _increase_ server load.

I can think in my case having the RPMs probably wouldn't be much of an
issue.  I've got a local mirror set up anyway.

My sister, on the other hand, which has only one Fedora machine and a
broadband connection, would probably not understand why she should use the

Of course doing an either/or would be an option, but what do you make the
default?  This all came about because people are complaining about
changing the existing default.

William Hooper

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