Windows key (Was Re: 2 newbie questions.)

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Sat Jan 10 22:06:32 UTC 2004

At 13:39 1/10/2004, you wrote:
>I know I could say this to a gnome list. I'm aware I could even post
>this to some xfree list, saying that every single keyboard sold today
>for pc have those 3 keys.

No IBM Thinkpad keyboards have that key. Other examples exist; let's not 
dramatize too much.

By all means, though, let us attempt to use every resource available, and 
having that key available on most keyboards makes it an attractive resource 
to use. I myself would find it attractive to have the GNOME-menu and the 
KDE-menu come up automatically with that key IF IT IS PRESENT. If not (and 
as alternative in any case) the default behaviors should be kept and 
explained to the user.

For example, I think it's exceedingly neat that if you click on the desktop 
you get that menu "at your fingertips". I love not having to go to the 
bottom-left corner to get at that menu. Why do we not (also) put more 
effort into telling newbies how to use that menu???

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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