Thoughts on FC and the future..

WipeOut wipe_out at
Mon Jan 12 11:33:34 UTC 2004

Anyone close to the development of FC would probably be the best to 
answer this..

I just had a look at the FC2 release schedule and it got me thinking..

Since the release interval between releases as so short (FC1 -> FC2 = 
5Months) has any thought been given to maybe putting a structure in 
place that would allow initial installs to  be performed by downloading 
the major release ISO's and then from there simply have a rolling 
upgrade meaning that as updates and upgrades happen the community can 
simply use YUM or a similar app to stay current.. I know that YUM can 
already perform and upgrade or update and most times it is sucessful but 
if the development community had this type of functionality in mind it 
would mean that the short release cycle would not be as much of a crisis 
for people using Fedora.. This is how "One Base Linux" appear to do it..

Of course this assumes that RedHat would not decline such a structure 
since one of their main selling points for RHEL is the 12-18month 
release cycle and if this was not an issue for useres of Fedora it could 
impact their sales of RHEL..

Anyway, anyone got any thoughts..


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