Desktop Icon Problems

Mark admin at
Mon Jan 12 13:40:55 UTC 2004

I looked in the archives and couldn't find a resolution, though I did
find the answer to another problem. I have Fedora loaded on a machine
and have updated everything including the kernel.  I have KDE to load up
as my default desktop.  I sign in as a user account (i.e. admin) and I'm
trying to drag some icons that are in the menu (like XChat) onto the
desktop.  When I drag it, it comes up with a menu (copy, move, or link)
and I can choose any of the 3 just fine.  But, when I go into the icon
properties to rename or even change the icon, I get the following error:

Could not save properties.  You do not have sufficient
access to write to /home/admin/Desktop/XChat

Anyone know if this is just a bug or maybe I need to change something on
going about dragging icons from the menu to the desktop? I can supply a
screenshot of the error if anyone needs to see it.

Thanx in advance!

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