Non FOSS and Fedora

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Mon Jan 12 18:00:42 UTC 2004

At 11:21 1/12/2004, you wrote:
>This Real World (tm) is the world of slavery, where you subject yourself
>the power of those you think the choice is do nothing about.

Huh? I don't know if you noticed, Rui, but this /does/ sound rabid and 
fanatical. I've read it several times, always with the same result: before 
the comma it sounds irrational, and after the comma I don't even understand it.

>Flash is totally unneeded, we have many tools for PDF viewing/generation
>and Java is having a brighter life, hopefully sooner than later (FC2
>will include java aplications running under gcj, IIRC).

If /you/ don't want or need Flash, you are welcome to that opinion. 
However, a friend of mine buys millions of dollars from people who use 
Flash in their online catalog because they chose it as the best technology 
for their work. /He/ desperately needs Flash and cannot live without it. 
How can you claim to advocate freedom when you keep telling people what 
they can/cannot and should/should not do???

In this whole discussion, YOU are the limiter of freedoms claming to know 
what's best for everybody else.

Sad, really.

>We're there. We're WAY EASIER to use than Windows 3.1 and many non
>computer savvy people used it every day, so don't give me bullshit :)

I just had to quote this... it's actually funny. <grin>

The modern world is at least three generations of software development 
ahead of Win3.1 today. Why would you possibly think that comparing Linux 
today to Win3.1 then would be a favorable thing?

I can just see the Ford ad for a 2004 Taurus: "We're way better than that 
'57 Chevy you used to have..."

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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