Whitebox Linux

Dave Jones davej at redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 16:49:36 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 14:24, Phil Schaffner wrote:

> >   Let's be cristal clear there, you might get support for Whitebox Linux
> > but it won't come from Red Hat.
> > 
> > Daniel
> But as long as there are SRPMS there can be community support.

The point being made is that if you find a bug in Whitebox Linux, and
that bug doesn't get fixed in a RHEL update, and the Whitebox
maintainers can't fix it, Red Hat has no obligation to fix that bug.

With the support you buy with RHEL you stand an extremely high chance
that your bug gets fixed in a future update.

"community support" is all well and good, but taking the Fedora kernel
as an example.. asides from AMD64 input from Justin, and a half dozen
random fixes from folks to various bugs, 99% of the fixes going in there
are done by myself and other Red Hat employees. Hopefully over time, as
Fedora matures, this ratio will change (Especially when things like
external CVS appears).

Given this is the level of external support that the Red Hat support
community distro has had so far, what makes you think that the (not
fixed in RHEL) bugs in Whitebox Linux would be fixed by the community
any quicker ?

Additionally, the second that you start putting community fixes into
Whitebox Linux, you've *really* started a proper fork, making future
updates painful to integrate.


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