Interdependencies between Galeon and Mozilla: FC1 upgrade from RH9

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Tue Jan 13 21:56:24 UTC 2004

On or about 2004-01-13 15:28, Alexandre Strube whipped out a trusty #2 
pencil and scribbled:

>Em Ter, 2004-01-13 às 14:20, Don Levey escreveu:
>>On the up side, most everything now works (though I may still have to
>>recompile a kernel for a few niggling details).  On the downside, after the
>>upgrade Galeon (her browser of choice) would not start.  No error, just no
>Galeon was abandoned from switching from gnome 2.2 to 2.4. The gnome's
>navigator name is epyphany now. Just remove galeon (with --force if you
>need to), and install mozilla, or, if you prefer, epyphany, which will
>make you install some mozilla stuff anyway.
In addition to the above, at Dag's site:
### Dag Apt Repository for Red Hat Fedora Core 1
rpm redhat/fc1/en/i386 dag 

there are RPM's for Mozilla 1.5 and a Galeon which works with it.  Also 
for 1.6b, I think.  I know the 1.5 set works, I've installed them.  Do 
an rpm -e for both mozilla and galeon, then install the new ones from 
Dag using whatever you like.

Fritz Whittington
It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err. (Mahatma Gandhi)

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