Fedora Core 1 kernel update.

Alexandre Strube surak at surak.eti.br
Tue Jan 13 22:24:06 UTC 2004

Em Ter, 2004-01-13 às 17:47, Jim Popovitch escreveu:
> Why spend all this time on the 2.4.x branch... why not just make the
> move to 2.6?

They are way too different. If they can change versions just because of
gcc/glibc (redhat 8.0 to redhat 9), imagine the amount of changes when
such a big upgrade happens.

Note that, even when there's kernel 2.4.24, fedora will remain on
2.4.22, backporting security fixes when needed. The same for redhat 9,
with its 2.4.20 I think.


Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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