Language installation

Alexandre Strube surak at
Wed Jan 14 21:10:42 UTC 2004

Em Qua, 2004-01-14 às 16:32, Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior escreveu:

> My question is about language support on Fedora. I've instaled Fedora
> with support to "English (USA)", but now, I need support for "Portuguese
> (BRASIL)" too. How can I add this support? I couldn't figure what
> packages I must install and which configuration files I must chance to
> add support for Portuguese (or any other language offcourse). Where's
> documentation about this subject? I couldn't found it too.

Oi Nelson,

hey, that's a nice question! I couldn't find the answer, too, as the
directory for locale messages are part of glib and gawk, and the
messages files belongs to their own packages...


Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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