Can't install from CD after initial install - Is this in Bugzilla?

Preston Crawford me at
Fri Jan 16 00:40:55 UTC 2004

I was reading the ./ article today on RedHat and someone mentioned stuff that won't get fixed in Fedora Core 2, based on what they've seen in Bugzilla. That made me think of what I think is the biggest problem, or at least the most glaring problem with Fedora. You install the OS and then you go back to install something via the control panels and it doesn't work. You get an error. As far as I've seen, on the two boxes I've installed Fedora, it's absolutely impossible to install software from the CD (minus mounting the CD and manually installing RPMs - I'm talking about going through the standard Add/Remove applications route) after the initial install.

Now sure, Yum works great. Sure yum is easier. But there are some things you wouldn't want to install via yum (OpenOffice, for example) if you could help it. And yet this remains unfixed. 

So my question is this. Is this something that is already in Bugzilla? I would assume it is. I hate to make a duplicate entry. But if it isn't I was thinking of adding it.


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