RHCT, RHCE, Fedora certification book recommendations

damon fister damonfister at comcast.net
Fri Jan 16 03:43:21 UTC 2004

Julian Underwood wrote:

>My apologies if this is posted in the wrong place.  I am wondering if
>someone could offer some advice as far as what are some good study books
>for RHCT and RHCE--is there going to be a Fedora certification?  Is it
>worth taking the RHCT/RHCE courses?  What are some good study books for
Hello Julian,
I am currently a RHCT in RedHat 9, all future courses and certifications for RedHat will be for their Enterprise Linux line of products. In additon to using Redhat/Fedora to learn it I have taken both the RH033 an RH133 courses and was very pleased with both of them. My instructors were both very knowledgeable and very good teachers. The course material was also very helpful and I refer back to the labs in them to keep  my skills sharp. I plan to go back for RH253 and RH300 to obtain my RHCE. I can not give specifics about the RHCT test itself other than to say that it is all preformance based. There is no multiple choice. The best way to study for your test is to practice the skills that you have learned. 

If you are new to linux The Offical Fedora Companion by Nicholas Petreley published by Redhat Press is very good. It will give you some basic skills to build on and help give you a basic understanding of how Fedora/RedHat Linux works. One of the books that helped me gain some command line skills as well as some skills in shell scripting was Learning the bash shell by O'Reilly press. It's not always the easiest book to read but the information in it is very comprehensive.

I hope you find this information helpful and I wish you luck in obtaining your RHCT/RHCE.

Damon Fister

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